At Locker Days, we are very keen to support students’ well-being.
We have set up a well-being resources section in our website. Click here.

Creativity is well known for supporting mental well-being and we believe that designing your own locker can be both creative, supports being organised and reduces the weight of the back pack.

We are keen to ensure students have the support they need whether it’s through positive uplifting quotes or uplifting messages on magnets in their locker and well-being articles on common issues, or important contacts for providing confidential support on well-being or safeguarding.

We are very keen to support schools, either through providing the students with these Believe in Yourself Safeguarding Locker Cards or in other ways – please get in contact with us if you would like to discuss this further at

We also have a PTA/ Friends of School fundraiser sign up – click here for more information.


At Locker Days, we are very keen to support students’ well-being.
We have set up a well-being resources section in our website. Click here.

Creativity is well known for supporting mental well-being and we believe that designing your own locker can be both creative, supports being organised too, and reduces the weight of the back pack.

We are keen to ensure students have the support they need whether it’s through positive uplifting quotes or uplifting messages on magnets in their locker and well-being articles on common issues, or important contacts for providing confidential support on well-being or safeguarding.

We are very keen to support schools, please get in contact with us if you would like to discuss this further.

We also have a PTA/ Friends of School fundraiser sign up – click here for more information.


If you ever want to talk to someone, no matter how big or small the problem, there is always someone there. You might have friends who may be able to help you, or possibly an older person, like a member of school staff. Turn to anyone you feel you can talk to comfortably.
There may also be times when you feel you cannot talk to a member of school staff – this is perfectly normal and you can always call or text any of the following people – all links are clickable from a mobile.

It’s confidential – you don’t need to give us your email address or real name

In partnership with Place2Be